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Doctoral Researchers, Project Doctoral Researchers and Alumni

Kevin Axe


Susan Bergner

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

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Simon Clemens

Doctoral Researcher, RU Border

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Karoline R. Estermann

Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey", Representative Doctoral Researchers

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Adam Fastholm

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Timon Forster

Alumni, Doctoral Researcher


Paulina García Corral

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Leader Types and (Liberal?) Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic", RU (Re-)Allocation


Greta Gross

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Leader Types and (Liberal?) Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic", RU (Re-)Allocation

Groß_Katy Otto-SCRIPTS 2021 Cropped

Neval Güllü

PhD Candidate and Research Associate, RU Orders

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Maximiliano Jara Barrera

Affiliate Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism"

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Camille Kasavan

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders, Representative Doctoral Researchers

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Thea Celine Kirsch

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Allison Koh

Doctoral Researcher, BGTS Board Member, Representative Doctoral Researchers


Nora Kürzdörfer

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "The Challenge to the Challenge", RU (Re-)Allocation

Kürzdörfer, Nora 2

Zefitret Abera Molla

Doctoral Researcher at BGTS, RU Borders

Zefitret Molla headshot

Keith Prushankin

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Prushankin_Katy Otto-SCRIPTS 2021 Cropped(2)

Tara Devi Rai

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Marianne Samaha

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

Samaha_Katy Otto-SCRIPTS 2021 Cropped

Ayhan Sari

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Maria Uttenthal

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Maria Uttenthal

Bo Yang


Lesar Yurtsever

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Yaning Zhang

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

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