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BGTS People

On this page, you will find an overview of the BGTS' Doctoral Researchers, Project Doctoral Researchers (and Alumni), Affiliated Doctoral Researchers, Visiting Doctoral Researchers, BGTS Faculty Members, and BTS alumni.

Doctoral Researchers, Project Doctoral Researchers and Alumni

Kevin Axe

Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism"

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Susan Bergner

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

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Simon Clemens

Doctoral Researcher, RU Border

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Karoline R. Estermann

Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey", Representative Doctoral Researchers

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Adam Fastholm

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Timon Forster

Alumni, Doctoral Researcher


Paulina García Corral

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Leader Types and (Liberal?) Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic", RU (Re-)Allocation


Greta Gross

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Leader Types and (Liberal?) Narratives of the COVID-19 Pandemic", RU (Re-)Allocation

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Neval Güllü

PhD Candidate and Research Associate, RU Orders

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Johannes Heß

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Gender, Borders, Memory", RU Borders

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Maximiliano Jara Barrera

Affiliate Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism"

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Camille Kasavan

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders, Representative Doctoral Researchers

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Thea Celine Kirsch

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Tobias Jonas Klee

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "Gender, Borders, Memory", RU Borders

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Allison Koh

Doctoral Researcher, BGTS Board Member, Representative Doctoral Researchers


Nora Kürzdörfer

Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "The Challenge to the Challenge", RU (Re-)Allocation

Kürzdörfer, Nora 2

Zefitret Abera Molla

Doctoral Researcher at BGTS, RU Borders

Zefitret Molla headshot

Rasmus Ollroge

Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Comparative Survey"

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Keith Prushankin

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

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Tara Devi Rai

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Marlene Ritter

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Marianne Samaha

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Ayhan Sari

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Alice Trinkle

Project Doctoral Researcher, Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism"

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Maria Uttenthal

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Maria Uttenthal

Jaša Veselinovič

Doctoral Researcher, RU Orders

Jasa Veselinovic

Bo Yang


Lesar Yurtsever

Doctoral Researcher, RU Borders

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Yaning Zhang

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

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Affiliated Doctoral Researchers

Luis Aue

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher


Daniëlle Flonk

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

Julia Fuß

Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

+49 30 25491 140


Johanna Hase

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

+49 30 25491 454


Julian Heide

Affiliate Project Doctoral Researcher, Project "New Inequalities – New Cleavages? A Political Sociology of Contemporary Societies"

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Mirko Noa Heinzel

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher


Sarah Hinz

Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

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Hendrik Schopmans

Affiliate Doctoral Researcher


Moritz Sommer

Alumni, Affiliate Doctoral Researcher

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Visiting Doctoral Researchers

Read the report of the programme and hosting of Visiting Doctoral Researchers in 2022 here.

Inga Carry

Visiting Doctoral Researcher from 2024 to April 2025

Fidèle B. G. Ballo Guédé

Visiting Doctoral Fellow from April 2022 to March 2023

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Gbeognin Mickael Houngbedji

Visiting Doctoral Fellow from April 2022 to March 2023

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Juliana Fontana Moyses

Research Training Fellow from April 2022 to March 2023

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Li Hanlin

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

Sagar Kamble

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

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Isabel Oakes

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

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Ademola Olayiwola

Research Training Fellow from April 2022 to March 2023


Julia Schweers

Visiting Doctoral Researcher (July 2022)

Noa Swisa


Liwei Yang

Visiting Doctoral Researcher from March 13 to January 2025

Shuangmei Yang

Research Training Fellow from April 2022 to March 2023

Shuangmei Yang

Mehmet Yavuz

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

Portrait Mehmet Yavuz

BGTS Faculty Members

Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami

Principal Investigator, Early Career Ombudsperson, BGTS Faculty

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Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcott

Principal Investigator, Knowledge Exchange Lab Board, RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Verena Blechinger-Talcot

Prof. Dr. Katharina Bluhm

Principal Investigator, RU Orders, BGTS Faculty, Knowledge Exchange Lab Board

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Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig

Principal Investigator, RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Marianne Braig

Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel

Director SCRIPTS, Principal Investigator, Chairperson Executive Board, Head of Theory Network, BGTS Board, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Caruso

Principal Investigator, Head of RU Orders, BGTS Board, BGTS Faculty

Marcelo Caruso

Prof. Dr. Philipp Dann

Principal Investigator, Head of RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

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Prof. Dr. Anette Fasang

Principal Investigator, RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Fasang-Katy Otto 2021(10)

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards

Senior Professor, Principal Investigator, RU Borders, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards

Dr. Heiko Giebler

Postdoctoral Researcher, Head of JRG "Comparative Survey", BGTS Faculty, Head of the DMC

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Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht

Principal Investigator, Executive Board, RU Borders, BGTS Board, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Jessica Gienow-Hecht

Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke

Principal Investigator, Executive Board, Head of RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke

Prof. Dr. Stefan Gosepath

Principal Investigator, Executive Board, RU Orders, BGTS Faculty

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Dr. Dorothea Gädeke

Principal Investigator, RU Orders

Prof. Mark Hallerberg, PhD

SCRIPTS Co-Deputy Director, Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

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Prof. Macartan Humphreys

Principal Investigator, RU Orders, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Macartan Humphreys, PhD

Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver

Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver

Prof. Mattias Kumm, S.J.D. (Harvard)

Principal Investigator, RU Orders, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Mattias Kumm

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Kübler

Principal Investigator, IRC Board, RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Dorothea Kübler

Prof. Dr. Philipp Lepenies

Principal Investigator, Professor of Politics (Focus Sustainability), RU Temporality

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Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman

Principal Investigator, Professor of Russian and East European Politics

Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau

Principal Investigator, RU Borders, BGTS Faculty


Prof. Dr. Christoph Möllers

Principal Investigator, RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Arianna Ornaghi, PhD

Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation

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Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse

BIRT Director, Senior Professor, Principal Investigator, Executive Board, BGTS Board, IRC Board, Knowledge Exchange Lab Steering Committee, RU Orders, BGTS Faculty

Thomas Risse

Dr. Tobias Rupprecht

Postdoctoral Researcher, Head of the Junior Research Group "Peripheral Liberalism", BGTS Faculty

Rupprecht-Katy Otto 2021_2

Prof. Dr. Gwendolyn Sasse

Principal Investigator, Knowledge Exchange Lab Board, RU Borders, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Gwendolyn Sasse

Prof. Dr. Yasemin Soysal

Professor of Global Sociology, Principal Investigator, RU Orders

Yasemin Soysal c Valerie Schmidt

Dr. Matthew Stephen

Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation

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Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch

Principal Investigator, RU (Re-)Allocation

Prof. Lora Anne Viola Ph.D.

Principal Investigator, Equal Opportunities Coordinator, Executive Board, IRC Board, BGTS Board, BGTS Faculty

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Prof. Dr. Christian Volk

Principal Investigator, Knowledge Exchange Lab Board, RU Borders, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Christian Volk

Prof. Dr. Florian Waldow

Principal Investigator, Head of RU Temporality, BGTS Faculty

Prof. Dr. Florian Waldow

Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn

Principal Investigator, RU Orders

Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn

Prof. Dr. Gülay Çağlar

Principal Investigator, RU Borders, BGTS Faculty

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BTS alumni

Dr. Tobias Bunde

Postdoctoral Researcher


Dr. Lucia Fuchs

Alumni, Doctoral Researcher

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Dr. Christiane Kasack

Coach and workshop facilitator



Dr. Alexander Kleibrink

Senior Policy Analyst & Team Leader


Prof. Dr. Christian Kreuder-Sonnen

Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Organisations


Dr. Anna Leupold

Senior Research and Teaching Assistant


Dr. Mathis Lohaus

Postdoctoral researcher


Dr. Maurits Meijers

Assistant Professor


Dr. Gil Murciano

Postdoctoral Research Associate / Guest Lecturer


Dr. Marlien Schlaphoff

Special Assistant to the Executive Director


Dr. Susanne Schmeier

Associate Professor


Dr. Kathrin Stephen

Desk Officer (Referentin)


Dr. Zoe Williams

Fellow in International Political Economy
