Events organized by the Knowledge Exchange Lab
Discussion | Violence against women — from online abuse to hatred in everyday life
On February 26, 2025, SCRIPTS and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation are hosting the third part of the three-part series “Gender Issues?”. The series of events will shed light on the key issues of gender equality, the challenges to social cohesion and violence on the internet. Free admission: Please register here
Location: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin
Short Talk | Nervöse Demokratie #3: USA – Hysterie und Vernunft — Lora Anne Viola
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Entrance Passage 1st floor, exhibition „After Nature“
Diskussion | Gewalttätige Männer?
Am 02. Dezember 2024 lud SCRIPTS gemeinsam mit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zum zweiten Teil der dreiteiligen Reihe „Geschlechterfragen?“ ein. Die Veranstaltungsreihe beleuchtete die zentrale Fragen zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, die Herausforderungen für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und Gewalt im Netz.
Location: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin
Short Talk | Nervöse Demokratie #2: Politik der Unruhe — Christian Volk
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Entrance Passage 1st floor, exhibition „After Nature“
International Conference | EU-Enlargement in the Context of Geopolitics, Reform Requirements and Absorption Capacity
As a result of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, Eastern European countries are stepping up their efforts to join the EU. On 13 November, international experts will be discussing the opportunities and challenges of the current EU enlargement policy. The international conference is hosted by the Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod) in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS). SCRIPTS director Tanja Börzel will be participating. More information here.
Location: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin
Diskussion | Geschlechterfragen und Gewaltpotentiale
Am 12. November 2024 lud SCRIPTS gemeinsam mit der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zum Auftakt einer dreiteiligen Veranstaltungsreihe ein, die zentrale Fragen zur Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, den Herausforderungen für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und Gewalt im Netz beleuchtete.
Location: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin
Discussion | Bedrohte Wissenschaft: Politische Einflussnahme
Am Freitag, dem 08.11.2024, um 19.00 Uhr im Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung, diskutieren Anna Ahlers, Franziska Brychcy, Eva Geulen und Alexander Libman zum Thema "Politische Einflussnahme" als Teil der Reihe "Bedrohte Wissenschaft". Bitte melden Sie sich hier für die Veranstaltung an
Location: Leibniz-Zentrum für Literatur- und Kulturforschung Meierottostr. 8 10719 Berlin
Science Slam | Clear the Stage for Science: The Berlin Clusters of Excellence at the Berlin Science Week
Location: Roadrunner's Paradise Saarbrücker Str. 24 10405 Berlin
Discussion | Bedrohte Wissenschaft: Infragestellung wissenschaftlicher Autorität
Am Mittwoch, dem 06.11.2024, um 19.00 Uhr diskutieren Ina Czyborra, Carel Carlowitz Mohn, Gwendolyn Sasse und Michael Zürn im Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin , zum Thema "Infragestellung wissenschaftlicher Autorität" als Teil der Reihe "Bedrohte Wissenschaft". Bitte melden Sie sich hier für die Veranstaltung an
Location: Zentrum für Osteuropa- und internationale Studien (ZOiS) Mohrenstraße 60 10117 Berlin
Discussion | Bedrohte Wissenschaft: Ungeliebte Wahrheit
Am Montag, dem 04.11.2024, um 19.00 Uhr im Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), diskutieren Schirin Amir-Moazami, Josephine Ballon, Kai Gehring und Lena Hipp zum Thema "Ungeliebte Wahrheit" als Teil der Reihe "Bedrohte Wissenschaft". Bitte melden Sie sich hier für die Veranstaltung an
Location: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung Reichpietschufer 50 10785 Berlin
Discussion | Bedrohte Wissenschaft: Selbstbeschränkung
In der Auftaktveranstaltung der Reihe „Bedrohte Wissenschaft“ diskutieren Julia von Blumenthal, Tanja A. Börzel, Ruppert Stüwe, und Günter M. Ziegler, am Freitag, dem 01.11.2024, um 19.00 Uhr im Senatssaal der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ob und wie Anfeindungen zu Selbstbeschränkungen führen und wie sich Institutionen und Forschende ihre Handlungsspielräume bewahren können. Bitte melden Sie sich hier für die Veranstaltung an
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Senatssaal (1. Obergeschoss) Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin
Short Talk | Nervöse Demokratie #1: Transformationsschock — Steffen Mau
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Entrance Passage 1st floor, exhibition „After Nature“
Discussion | Die EU und Georgien – was folgt aus der Wahl?
Am Montag, den 28.10.2024 diskutieren Tanja Börzel, Anikó Glogowski-Merten, Khatia Kikalishvili und Mikheil Sarjveladze über den Ausgang der Parlamentswahl in Georgien und ihren Folgen für die Zukunft des Landes zwischen einer Annäherung an die EU oder an Russland. Die Veranstaltung ist ausgebucht, eine Anmeldung nicht mehr möglich.
Location: Vertretung der Europäischen Kommission Berlin Unter den Linden 78 10117 Berlin
Book Launch | Nach der Natur – Das Laborbuch
Location: Humboldt Labor, 1. OG Schloßpl. 1 10178 Berlin
Discussion | Georgia has a choice: Europe or Russia?
In cooperation with the Center for Liberal Modernity and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, we are organizing the discussion series "Georgia in Focus" . The aim is to take a look at the upcoming parliamentary elections in Georgia and ask what significance they have for the country, for Europe and for its relations with its important eastern neighbors. On 9 September at 3pm at the Academy of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Knut Abraham, MdB; Dr. Julia Langbein; Ana Natsvlishvili, and Eka Tkeshelashvili will discuss the question: Georgia has a choice — Europe or Russia? Participation is only possible after confirmed registration: Please register here.
Location: Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 | Discussion with Heiko Giebler, Karoline Estermann, and Neval Güllü
Demokratien stehen unter Druck — aber wie stehen die Menschen zu zentralen Werten und Institutionen liberaler Gesellschaften? SCRIPTS befragte über 60.000 Menschen in 30 Ländern dazu. Heiko Giebler und Karoline Estermann erklären im Gespräch mit Neval Güllü, was die Daten verraten — und welche Überraschungen sie bereithalten.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23/25 Raum L23 0.3099
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 | An Excellent Pub Quiz
Saturday, Jun 22, 7 pm and 8.30 pm
Location: Technische Universität Berlin Hauptgebäude Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2024 | Discussion with Roberta Astolfi
Saturday, Jun 22, 5 pm until 10pm
Location: Humboldt Universität zu Berlin Universitäts-Hauptgebäude Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin Stand der Berlin University Alliance, Ehrenhof links
Discussion | Europa hat gewählt — was jetzt?
SCRIPTS analysiert die Ergebnisse der EU-Wahl und diskutiert die Konsequenzen. Leider ist die Veranstaltung bereits ausgebucht, eine Anmeldung ist nicht mehr möglich.
Location: Vertretung der EU-Kommission Unter den Linden 78 10117 Berlin
Discussion | BUA OPEN SPACE #1 Democracy under Pressure with Heike Klüver and others
Impulses by political scientists Prof. Dr. Thorsten Faas (Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS), Michael Roth MdB (SPD) and Julia Friedlander (CEO Atlantik-Brücke e.V.). Moderator: Sarah Oswald. Please register here
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Senatssaal Unter den Linden 6 10117 Berlin
Discussion | Futuring the Liberal Script #8: Russland und der Westen | Silent Green, Berlin
Katharina Bluhm in conversation with Sabine Fischer, moderated by Volker Wieprecht as part of the conversation series " Futuring the Liberal Script " at silent green in Berlin-Wedding. The conversation will also be streamed live on the SCRIPTS YouTube-Channel .
Location: silent green Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Short Talk | In Future #1 Wealth and In.Equality with Martyna B. Linartas at the Berlin Science Week
Martyna B. Linartas interviewed by Adrian Schulz live at the Berlin Science Week , Collaborative Field, Naturkundemuseum Berlin. Event language: German Watch the recording here
Location: Collaborative Field Museum für Naturkunde Berlin Invalidenstr. 43 10115 Berlin
Science Slam | Clear the Stage for Science: The Berlin Clusters of Excellence at the Berlin Science Week
Location: Säälchen Holzmarkt 25 10243 Berlin
SCRIPTS at internationales literaturfestival berlin 2023 | Sunday Matinée: "Democracies in Danger?" with Armin Nassehi, Luisa Neubauer, Lora Anne Viola and Rainald Manthe
Location: silent green Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023 | Teaming up ! Excellent Pub Quiz for Team Players and Science Fans
What do the excellent Berlin scientist actually do? The Berlin Clusters of Excellence invite to a Pub Quiz during this year’s Long Night of the Sciences. Join in, guess and discuss questions from around the diverse research fields and projects ranging from applied maths, neuro health to literary communities and liberal democracies. Open to every science fan, teams can build up and register on site from 7.30 pm.
Location: Technische Universität Berlin, Südcampus "Nachhaltigkeitsmarkt", Verlängerte Hertzallee Tent at the Volleyball Court Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023 | Meet SCRIPTS - Meet the Scientist x 4
Protest, inequality, autocracies, climate change, war... much is at stake. Can liberal democracies deliver what they promise? Are current crises also opportunities or just threats? What can global surveys tell us about the state of democracies – world wide? SCRIPTS researchers present topics, projects, and also personal insights in short contributions and in conversation with the visitors. Meet the Scientists!
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Building 5b — Silberlaube Room K23/11 (next to the K-Straße entrance Fabeckstr.) Fabeckstraße 25, 14195 Berlin
Public Lecture & Discussion | Democracy's Discontent — Michael J. Sandel
Public Lecture & Discussion with Michael J. Sandel, Political Philosopher, Author, Harvard University. Hosted by Stefan Gosepath, Prof. of Practical Philosophy, Freie Universität Berlin. Language: English Venue: Lecture Hall 1a (right next to earlier announced 1b) Watch the recording here
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Lecture Hall 1a Rostlaube Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin U3 Dahlem-Dorf or Freie Universität Berlin (Thielplatz), Bus 110, M11, X83
Short Talk | Democracies under Pressure #2: Freedom as a Problem
As part of the short talk series Democracies under Pressure , Philosopher and SCRIPTS researcher Stefan Gosepath answered questions about self-contradictions, legacies and unfulfilled promises of the liberal script in a short talk with Christoph D. Piorkowski. Language: German. An event of the Cluster of Excellence Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) in cooperation with Humboldt Labor of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin . Live & on site in the exhibition “Nach der Natur” of the Humboldt Labor on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 at 6.30 p.m
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Entrance Passage 1st floor, exhibition „After Nature“
Meet the Scientist | with Martyna B. Linartas
A public presentation and discussion with doctoral researcher Martyna B. Linartas on the challenge of wealth inequality in liberal democracies at the Humboldt Lab of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Free tickets can be booked on the Humboldt Lab Website.
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Berlin Schloßplatz 1 10178 Berlin
Short Talk | Democracies under Pressure #1: Putin’s Russia
As part of the short talk series Democracies under Pressure , Political scientist and Eastern Europe expert Gwendolyn Sasse answered questions about Putin's fight against the liberal-democratic order in a short talk with Christoph D. Piorkowski. Language: German. Live & on site in the exhibition “Nach der Natur” of the Humboldt Labor on Wednesday, 15 March 2023 at 6.30 p.m. An event of the Cluster of Excellence Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) in cooperation with Humboldt Labor of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin .
Location: Humboldt Lab in the Humboldt Forum Schloßplatz 1, 10178 Berlin, Entrance Passage 1st floor, exhibition „After Nature“
Panel Discussion | Making Sense of a Midterm Election: Liberal Order Rescued?
A panel discussion in German language with Jessica Gienow-Hecht, Thomas Risse, Johannes Thimm, Dominik Tolksdorf, and Sarah Bressan (moderation) to make sense of the midterms’ impact on US politics and foreign policy, liberal democracy, and the liberal international order. Live with free admission at the silent green.
Location: silent green Kuppelhalle Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Science Slam | The Berlin Clusters of Excellence at the Berlin Science Week
At our cluster science slam, scientists try everything to entertain their audience, regardless of whether the subject is e.g. mathematics, neuroscience or active material. The sky is the limit when it comes to what’s possible. Costumes, props, movies, power-point presentations or other experimental setups – it is all allowed. Only time sets the limits – every slammer will have ten minutes at most. And the audience will decide which presentation is best!
Location: Roadrunner’s Paradise Saarbrücker Str. 24 Berlin, Berlin 10405 Germany
Tandem-Guided Tour | The Gender of Science
How Gender orders Science and Science biologises Gender: A tandem guided tour with Johannes Heß and Tobias Klee through the object scape in the Humboldt Laboratory's exhibition "After Nature" at the Humboldt Forum.
Location: Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin, Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Discussion | Futuring the Liberal Script #7: Ukraine – Talking of War
A conversation with Gwendolyn Sasse, Director of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) and SCRIPTS Principal Investigator, with Kateryna Mishchenko, writer, publisher and translator, moderated by the journalist Jens Bisky, on occasion of Sasse's new book " Der Krieg gegen die Ukraine. Hintergründe, Ereignisse, Folgen ". Live with free admission at silent green .
Location: silent green Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
"Meet the Scientist" with Heiko Giebler at Humboldt Lab Berlin
As part of the “Meet the Scientist” series, Heiko Giebler reflects on limits, results and opportunities of global survey research on attitudes towards the liberal script and answers questions from visitors of the Humboldt Lab in Berlin (in German). Heiko Giebler is head of the SCRIPTS Junior Research Group “Comparative Survey” and the survey “PALS – Public Attitudes towards the Liberal Script”. An event organised by the Humboldt Lab of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in cooperation with SCRIPTS. Live & on site on 13 October 2022 at 5 p.m. (local time). Please book a free ticket in advance at the Humboldt Lab .
Location: Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin, Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Discussion | Futuring the Liberal Script #6 at Silent Green
A conversation with Gudrun Krämer, professor em. of Islamic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and SCRIPTS alumni professor, in conversation with Yassin Musharbash, journalist at DIE ZEIT and ZEIT Online, moderated by Sonja Zekri, journalist for Süddeutsche Zeitung, on occasion of Krämer's new book " Der Architekt des Islamismus ".Watch the recording on YouTube .
Location: silent green Kuppelhalle Gerichtstraße 35 13347 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 | Discussion "Der Ukraine-Krieg und das liberale Skript"
A panel discussion (in German) with SCRIPTS experts from the areas of sociology, political science and history about the Russian-led war in Ukraine and its consequences for the liberal script as part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 .
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Building 5b Campus Library - Basement Silberlaube Fabeckstraße 25, 14195 Berlin
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 | "Meet the Scientists of Excellence" at the Humboldt Lab
As part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 , researchers from Berlin's Clusters of Excellence get into conversation (in German) about their current research with all interested Berliners. On behalf of SCRIPTS, Gwendolyn Sasse will present her current analyses of the Russian-led war in Ukraine.
Location: Humboldt Labor im Humboldt Forum Berlin Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Encounterings & collective reflections | Future Perfect with Denise Ferreira da Silva & guests
A day of encounterings and collective reflections with artist and philosopher Denise Ferreira da Silva & guests invites to speculative exercises on the im/possibility of global/racial un/justice. A recording of the event is available on YouTube.
Location: SAVVY Contemporary Reinickendorfer Strasse 17 13347 Berlin
Exhibition | What about academic freedom?
An interactive exhibition with different stations about the influence of deliberately spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories on social media - and what we can do about it. Each station has been prepared by a scientist and consists of a poster dedicated to a subtopic. The stations are in German and English. The open forum is the final programme of the exhibition. The exhibition shows how digital disinformation spreads on social media. But what can we as a civil society do about it? Scientists and activists from the social sciences, media literacy and psychology will give short lectures on solution strategies, after which participants can talk directly to the lecturers about their experiences with misinformation on the Internet and ask questions.
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor @ Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
"Meet the Scientist" | How does research on scientific freedom work?
As part of our "Meet the Scientist" series at Mall Anders, researchers from SCRIPTS, FU Berlin and Academy in Exile/HU Berlin will present their current research on academic freedom and respond to answers from the audience on the site of our exhibition "What about academic freedom?" .
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor @ Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Exhibition Programme | Open Forum "How to confront disinformation?"
The Open Forum is the closing programme of the exhibition "New Media and Information Disorder in Liberal Society" which tries to explain how digital disinformation spreads on social media. Researchers and activists from the social sciences, media competency and psychology will give short presentations on solution strategies. Participants can talk directly with the speakers about their experiences with online disinformation, ask questions, and work together on individual solutions.
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor, Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Discussion | "Another Marshall Plan? Myths and Truths 75 years later" at Humboldt Lab
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, SCRIPTS hosted a public discussion in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy Berlin, the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, and the Humboldt Lab of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The speakers were Jessica Gienow-Hecht , David W. Ellwood, Sergey Lagodinsky, Petra Pinzler (Moderation). The event took place on site at the Humboldt Lab. A blog article by Jessica Gienow-Hecht ( here ) and David W. Ellwood ( here ) accompanied the event.
Location: Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin, Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Public Presentation | "Laborastories" with Researchers from Berlin's Clusters of Excellence at Mall Anders
In the format of storytelling, researchers from the Berlin Clusters of Excellence present current research projects (in German), hosted by the Berlin University Alliance in cooperation with SCRIPTS.
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor, Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Exhibition | "Digital disinformation as a contestation of liberal societies" at Mall Anders
Organized by the Knowledge Exchange Lab at SCRIPTS, this exhibition at Mall Anders in Berlin explores disinformation in liberal societies. What is disinformation, what facts? How do we decide what to believe? A programme of talks, the open forum, will round off the exhibition on 11 June.
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor, Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Discussion | Futuring the Liberal Script #5 at Silent Green
A conversation with Prof. Philipp Lepenies, holder of the SCRIPTS Professorship “Sustainable Development” , and economic journalist Ulrike Herrmann at silent green Berlin on occasion of Lepenies’ new book “ Verbot und Verzicht ”, moderated by Silke Burmester. Watch the recording on YouTube .
Location: silent green Kuppelhalle Gerichtstraße 35 13347 Berlin
Talk & Discussion | "Meet the Scientist" with SCRIPTS researchers at Mall Anders
Researchers from Berlin Clusters of Excellence present their research and answer questions at the Mall Anders (in German). T hea Céline Kirsch will speak about digital border regimes.
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor @ Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Science Slam | "Ein exzellenter Science Slam. Wie junge Forschende in Berlin unsere Welt von morgen mitgestalten" at Mall Anders
Young scientists from four Clusters of Excellence of the Berlin University Alliance present their research work in a science slam in the Mall Anders learning lab in the Wilma Shoppen shopping centre. Technical vocabulary or long lists do not have a place here. Instead, be curious about neuroscience, intelligence research, liberal orders, and catalysis research for more sustainability - anything that serves to illustrate this is permitted: costumes, props, films, PowerPoint presentations or experimental set-ups. The only limit is time; the slammers have fifteen minutes each! Many of the candidates are taking part in a science slam for the first time and are ready to leave the ivory tower of science. In the end, the audience decides who will be honoured as the winner. If you want to go deeper into the content, the participants will be ready to talk to the visitors afterwards over cool drinks. Come to our Science Slam - it's very excellent!
Location: Mall Anders Ground floor, Wilma Shoppen (former Wilmersdorfer Arcaden) Wilmersdorfer Str. 46 10627 Berlin
Internal discussion | Knowledge exchange with SCRIPTS and foreign policy actors
In collaboration with the German Federal Foreign Office, SCRIPTS' Knowledge Exchange Team (Politics) organises an internal panel discussion with foreign policy actors and scholars. The panel discussion addresses questions regarding policy strategies and narratives of the actors of the Indo-Pacific and beyond, especially in light of the Russian invasion.
"Meet the Scientist" with Michael Zürn at Humboldt Lab
As part of the "Meet the Scientist" series, SCRIPTS director Prof. Michael Zürn presents research on authoritarian populism and answer questions from visitors of the Humboldt Lab in Berlin (in German). An event organised by the Humboldt Lab of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Live & on site on 24 March 2022 at 4 and 5 p.m. respectively (local time).
Location: Humboldt Labor im Humboldt Forum Berlin Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Berlin Science Week Panel | How (not) to Increase Vaccination Willingness
What can Public and Global Health learn from the COVID-19 vaccination campaign? A discussion with Prof. Heike Klüver (Principal Investigator, Cluster of Excellence "SCRIPTS"), Dr. Katrin Schmelz (Postdoctoral Researcher, Cluster of Excellence "Politics of Inequality", Universität Konstanz), Dr. Martin Bergfelder (Head of Corona Taskforce, Federal Foreign Office Germany), and Prof. Mujaheed Shaikh (Professor of Health Governance, Hertie School). Moderation: Julia Vismann, science journalist
Location: Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin, Schlossplatz, 10178 Berlin
Berlin Science Week Panel | The Dance Floor is a Political Space!
A Knowledge Exchange on the Role of Clubs for Liberal and Open Societies, with Researchers of the Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script – SCRIPTS“, the Berlin Clubcommission and actors from the arts and culture scene.
Location: Museum für Naturkunde, Invalidenstraße 43, 10115 Berlin & Online
Launch Event | "The Future of the Liberal International Order" – 75th Anniversary Edition of the Journal International Organization
The Knowledge Exchange Lab took the 75 th anniversary issue of the renowned journal International Organization (IO) as an occasion to exchange and openly discuss about the future of the Liberal International Order (LIO). During the panel discussion some of the contributors of the special issue exchanged with selected high ranking foreign policy officers from the Federal Foreign Office, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the U.S. Department of State. The event took place on Friday, 08 Oct 2021, both at the Humboldt Labor and online.
Location: Humboldt Lab at Humboldt Forum Berlin, Schloßplatz 10178 Berlin
Discussion | Futuring the Liberal Script #3: "Sortiermaschinen" with Steffen Mau
Sociologist Steffen Mau in conversation with writer Nora Bossong live from the silent green Berlin, moderated by Yara Hoffmann
Location: silent green Gerichtsstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
Discussion & Book Launch | "Sortiermaschinen" with Steffen Mau at Humboldt Labor
Steffen Mau in conversation with Stefan Gosepath and Naika Foroutan, moderated by Christiane Hoffmann
Location: Online (Livestream)
Populism and Social Inequality - Current Debates
Location: Berlin Science Week Campus at the Museum für Naturkunde Lecture Hall - 1st floor Invalidenstraße 43 10115 Berlin Public Transport: U Naturkundemuseum
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019 | Discussion "Rechtspopulismus in Europa“
As part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019 , SCRIPTS organized a versatile panel that will discuss the increasing importance of right-wing populist parties in Europe in mirror of the European Elections 2019. What causes can be identified and what are the political consequences? Who is bringing the right winged populism forward and who are the addressees? To what extent do populist parties formulate and mobilize socio-political alternatives to the "Liberal Script"? To be able to address the fundamental challenges this development is posing to liberal democracies, the panel will be gathering researchers, policymakers and experts of the cultural field. An event in cooperation with the Center for European Integration and the Center for Comparative Politics of Germany and France .
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Building 5b Campus Library - Basement Silberlaube Fabeckstraße 25, 14195 Berlin