Philip Warncke

Freie Universität Berlin
Postdoctoral Researcher, Data and Methodoloy Center
Philip Warncke is a comparative political scientist studying the origins, properties, and consequences of political belief systems. He also develops conceptual and computational methods that are more suitable for latent constructs – like political ideology – that are often tricky to capture with conventional statistics. His other substantial field of interest deals with the influence of personality, values, and socio-professional experiences on legislators’ behavior.
Philip holds an MA in Political Science from UNC Chapel Hill (2021), an MSc. in Comparative Politics from the London School of Economics (2015), and a BA in Political Management from Hochschule Bremen (2014). He also obtained class credit at UCSD (2012) and King’s College London (2017).
At SCRIPTS, Philip is working as a scientific staff member in the Data and Methodology Center.
- Mass ideology and belief systems
- Belief network analysis & item response networks
- Bayesian latent variable models
- Computational sensitivity analysis & simulation
- Elite behavior, values, and personality
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
Active, Assertive, Anointed, Absconded? Testing Claims about Career Politicians in the United Kingdom. Accepted/in print at European Journal of Political Research (with Nicholas Allen and Donald D. Searing
What is a Career Politician? Theories, Concept and Measures. European Political Science Review, Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2020. (With Nicholas Allen, Gabriele Magni, and Donald D. Searing
Book Chapters
Brexit, Trump, and Polling Error - What Pollsters Missed and Why We Should Care. 2018. In: Brexit – Trend and Zeitgeist of Europe’s Imperilled Democracies? Edited by Bitzegeio, Ursula and Philipp Adorf. Bonn: Dietz Verlag, 2018.
Other Publications
The Vicious Cycle of Political Polarization. 2023. The Hill. (with Adrian Lüders, Mike Quayle, and Dino Carpentras)