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Dr. Camilla Reuterswärd

Project: The Grassroots Right and Anti-Gender Mobilization in Latin America

Camilla Reuterswärd

BIRT, Freie Universität Berlin

Alumni, Postdoctoral Fellow October 2019 to October 2020

Dr. Reuterswärd received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in August 2019. She also holds a Master's Degree from the same university. Prior to UW-Madison, she studied at Uppsala University where she obtained a B.A. in Government with emphasis on Development Studies. She also spent one year at the European University Institute as a visiting researcher. As part of her doctoral studies, Dr. Reuterswärd carried out extensive fieldwork in Latin America, for example in Uruguay and in several Mexican states. 

Her research interests center on party politics, religious institutions, and social movements with emphasis on gender politics and policy. Specifically, she is interested in how political parties, dominant religious institutions, and feminist movements interact to shape the politics of gender policy. She is particularly interested in the politics of moral gender policies that challenge religious doctrine, such as abortion and same-sex marriage, and legislation concerning transgender issues. She is also interested in the politics of gender and sexuality-based violence and its various forms, focusing specifically on how it impacts on global health and social mobilization. Empirically, her work focuses primarily on Latin America, but she is also interested in Catholic Europe.

At SCRIPTS, she worked on a project analysing anti-gender mobilization in Latin America. In addition, Camilla published a SCRIPTS working paper in 2021: Organized Religion and Contestations of the Liberal Script. The Catholic Church, Body Politics, and Anti-Gender Mobilizations.

Peer-reviewed Articles
Reuterswärd, Camilla, Pär Zetterberg, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert and Maxine Molyneux. 2011. “Abortion Law Reforms in Colombia and Nicaragua: Issue Networks and Opportunity Contexts.” Development and Change, 42(3): 805-831.

Book Chapters
“¡Malas Madres, Malas Mujeres, Malas Todas! The Incarceration of Women for Abortion-Related Crimes in Mexico.” In Gender, Global Health and Violence: Feminist Perspectives on Peace and Disease, eds. Catia Confortini and Tiina Vaittinen. Rowman & Littlefield 2020, pages 139-158.

SCRIPTS Working Paper

Reuterswärd, Camilla (2021): Organized Religion and Contestations of the Liberal Script. The Catholic Church, Body Politics, and Anti-Gender Mobilizations. SCRIPTS Working Paper No. 7, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 “Contestations of the Liberal Script – SCRIPTS”.