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Lily Young

Zeppelin University

Alumni, Visiting Doctoral Researcher

Lily is a visiting doctoral researcher at SCRIPTS. She is pursuing a PhD at Zeppelin University, where she is also a research associate in the research project "Open or closed international organizations – Reactions to civil society contestation”. Her research activities focus on international organizations, interorganizational relations and knowledge. She has studied political science and international relations in Friedrichshafen, Dresden and Oita, Japan. Previously, she has worked as a Blue Book Trainee at the European External Action Service in Brussels.

Research Interests

  • International Organizations
  • Knowledge and expertise
  • Inter-organizational relations
  • Transnational professional networks

Current Research projects at SCRIPTS

International organizations face various challenges, including the growing fragmentation of the IO landscape and the increasing overlap of IO mandates. Amidst these challenges, the creation and dissemination of ostensibly objective knowledge remains a key source for IOs’ authority construction. By claiming expertise IOs define and frame issues and respective policy solutions while at the same time establishing themselves as central actors in this issue area. Yet, in many policy areas IOs are surrounded by IOs with similar mandates that likewise produce specialized knowledge. Against this backdrop, Lily’s project examines how IOs navigate the interorganizational struggles over knowledge production. The project is particularly interested in the role of IO research staff in steering struggles emerging between IOs creating knowledge on the same policy issue.