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Dr. Anna Leupold

Cohort 2009

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Henrik Enderlein & Prof. Dr. Barbara Pfetsch

University of Zurich

Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research

Senior Research and Teaching Assistant


Anna Leupold studied communication science with a specialization in public relations, political science and economics at the University of Hohenheim and Jönköping University in Sweden. After her PhD studies at the Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies and being a Fox International Fellow at Yale University, she finished her PhD on the politicization of Europe’s monetary union during the Euro Crisis at the Freie Universität Berlin in 2014. Since September 2013, Anna is a senior research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research at the University of Zurich. Anna has taught seminars, research seminars and lectures on BA- and MA-levels on political communication, public sphere research, the politicization of migration and societal fragmentation. Her current research focuses on the politicization of migration policy, European and local public spheres, user comments and incivility in online discussions, and social cohesion in Germany in the aftermaths of the “summer of migration”.

Title of PhD Thesis

Trapped in national perspectives? The politicization of Europe’s economic and monetary union in the early stages of the euro crisis.