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WORKSHOP: International Actors and the Contestation of Liberal Democracy

Mar 24, 2021 - Mar 26, 2021

The Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile’s Institute of Political Science, The Cluster of Excellence, “Contestation of the Liberal Script” and the Pontificia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro's Institute of International Relations are soliciting abstracts for a three-day online workshop, titled “International Actors and the Contestation of Liberal Democracy,” to be held March 24-26.

ECR Workshop Contestation of Liberal Democracy

ECR Workshop Contestation of Liberal Democracy

The workshop aims to convene early-career researchers (i.e., PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior scholars who received their PhDs within the last five years) whose work examines the relationships between international actors and threats to liberal democracy. We are especially - albeit not exclusively - interested in topics such as international organizations’ punitive measures (e.g., shaming, sanctions, suspensions) against democratic backsliding, autocratic international organizations, international assistance to democratic and authoritarian regimes, electoral monitoring, populist backlash against international organizations, and regional promotions of democracy and autocracy. We enthusiastically welcome cross-national and cross-regional comparisons.


Proposals must include:

  1. the title of the proposed paper
  2. an abstract describing the research question, research design, and preliminary findings or conclusions (500 words max)
  3. up to 5 keywords
  4. a short bio (100 words max).

Proposals must be sent to Dr. Isabel Winnwa (irc@scripts-berlin.eu) and Dr. Stefano Palestini (stefano.palestini@uc.cl) no later than January 20 2021. All sessions will be held online.


In order to avoid "zoom-fatigue", the conference will feature no more than three presentations per day.