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SCRIPTS in Israel: International Ph.D. Workshop

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News from Dec 16, 2019

From December 8th to 10th, the Berlin Graduate School for Global and Transregional Studies (BGTS) held its 9th joint international PhD workshop with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Jerusalem, building on a longstanding cooperation between the former Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies (BTS) and the Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations at the Hebrew University who jointly organized a series of very successful workshops in Berlin and Jerusalem. This year, the workshop's theme "Contesting the Liberal Script" aligned with the Cluster's research agenda and the excellent papers by students from both institutions covered a broad range of topics, from populism, local and transnational contestations of the liberal script to data governance and challenges to the liberal international order. Aside from a series of productive panels, faculty members from SCRIPTS, Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel, Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse, Prof. Dr. Tobias Berger and Prof. Dr. Christian Volk, engaged in controversial discussions of perceptions of the liberal script and its backlashes in different regional settings in two lively roundtables with faculty members from the Hebrew University and cooperating institutions. We are very grateful to our partner institution, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in particular Prof. Dr. Arie Kacowicz and Dr. Galia Press-Barnathan, for organizing and hosting the first joint workshop in the context of SCRIPTS and look forward to celebrating the 10th anniversary of our cooperation in Berlin next year!

Below you can find the workshop program.