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SCRIPTS Diversity Rules & Guidelines

At Scripts, we value diversity as the means to ensure the quality and excellence of the cluster. We believe that addressing a wider pool of candidates allows us to attract the most valuable and unique contributors to our community. We believe in inclusive excellence, in which a variety of research perspectives enriches the quality of our research. Finally, we believe that it is only possible for people to do their best work in a welcoming environment, where they can bring themselves fully and where they face no obstacles to belonging. In line with these values, we take our Diversity Statement very seriously.

The present guidelines help us bring our Diversity statement to life in our daily practices by translating our values and objectives into concrete strategies. In doing so, we follow an approach of mainstreaming our diversity values in every process of our work and through all parts of the SCRIPTS’ complex structure.

The SCRIPTS-policies, rules and procedures apply throughout all activities in the cluster. Analyzing and understanding them as a useful tool for mainstreaming Diversity is not only a must, but an undeniable opportunity. Since they generally regulate the Cluster's workflow, they are also potential powerful aids for the implementation of inclusion and equal opportunities.

In our strategy to implement the SCRIPTS’ spirit of Diversity, we have established the following four areas of focus or pillars:

  1. Recruitment and Representation
  2. Diversity-Controlling
  3. Raising Awareness
  4. Welcome Services

1. Recruitment and Representation

Pertains to all members, structures as well as procedures for Diversity at SCRIPTS. The guiding questions for this pillar are: “Who are we?” and “Who do we want and need in our team?” The following strategies shape our commitment to diversity in this regard:

1.1.  Recruiting practices

Recruitment practices are pivotal for exercising change and thus a central point for Diversity. We scan our practices and use guidelines in order to recruit in an equitable way.


Our cluster aims at diversity with gender being a major aspect of it. We seek to move beyond the female share established in the partnering institutions (at least one third). In addition, we strive for a similarly significant participation of scholars representing perspectives from outside the transatlantic region.

Workshops and conferences

The organizers strive for panels where a variety of perspectives is represented. This goes beyond gender parity, which is assumed as de rigueur. In order to create a positive, encompassing atmosphere that includes diverse perspectives, it is key that panellists from different world regions as well as junior researchers are adequately included (as we understand that there are intersections, we are wary of providing hard numbers or quotas, but we encourage members to aim for real representation).


SCRIPTS’ decision-making bodies shall reflect the reality of a society where at least half the members identify as female. Other dimensions include the regional, epistemological and theoretical plurality of the SCRIPTS’ group of Principal Investigators.

1.2.  Tools

If the organizers are not able to fulfil the above mentioned criteria, we want to engage in productive dialogues with them about the hurdles to do so. In order to understand what the most common obstacles to achieve our goals of inclusiveness are, we encourage organizers to provide specific reasons (if not enough candidates could be found through traditional channels or invitations were declined, for example), e.g. in the form of statements or copies of communications. This allows us to understand what type of support organizers need and permanently develop new ideas about how SCRIPTS can provide this support. This will take the form of checklists, suggested approaches, best-practices, databases and multiple tools of “how to” reach this mix of colleagues/panelists/speakers. These guidelines and procedures are regularly analyzed and reflected upon in order to continue to improve on this process.

2. Diversity-Controlling

Diversity controlling is central when it comes to proving our progress at SCRIPTS regarding Diversity: quantitatively as well as qualitatively.

2.1. Numbers and facts of regular reports

SCRIPTS regularly reports to its funder the own facts and results – including numbers regarding representation, gender and diversity. This part of the Diversity strategy is included in the application for SCRIPTS.

2.2. The Diversity-questionnaire

This anonymous, internal survey is planned to be conducted additionally to the regular numbers and facts we have to report to our funders. We do this extra survey in order to sum up a regular status quo, needs and problems for more inclusion and equal opportunities as well as solutions and ideas towards reaching our goals. The feedback and internal report about the results of the questionnaire help raise awareness about topics and issues coming from the SCRIPTS-team in its entirety, it is the voice of the Cluster itself regarding Diversity.      

3. Awareness Raising

By signalizing awareness about concepts like Diversity, Equal Opportunities, Inclusion, Equity and Anti-Discrimination in the exemplary case of our calls for applications, we increase the pool of people we address. We create an atmosphere, where every researcher and colleague knows the importance of their perspective and unique identity.

3.1.  Workshops and other spaces for reflection

Events, regular meetings, workshops and retreats are so-called spaces (physically, virtually or metaphorically) which address the HOW TO of inclusion and equal opportunities at SCRIPTS. Since unconscious biases are omnipresent and a subtle influencer, we organize and plan for these spaces in order to exchange opinions and feedback regarding specific developments at SCRIPTS. In this manner, we as individuals and as SCRIPTS community gain more experience, awareness and sensitivity when it comes to including diverse perspectives in sometimes almost automatic processes. In this way, we aim at making inclusion a given, diminishing barriers and by that we also foster equal opportunities.

3.2.  Language

This is a strong tool as well as an indicator for sensitivity and awareness when it comes to both the internal and the external communication at SCRIPTS. We are continuously evaluating the channels of communication like panels/events, statistics/data management, calls for applications, publications, etc. to ensure they are in line with our values of sensitivity and awareness. Accordingly, we also formulate internal support like guidelines, a glossary with key terms and create the chance for internal feedback with focus on an inclusive language.

4. (Welcome)-Services

SCRIPTS urges all members to establish a dynamic and constructive working atmosphere and in doing so, it is establishing a culture of dialogue and positive attitude when working together. The set of normative practices is based on the internal culture, a culture that is envisioned as being beneficial for every single individual throughout all hierarchies and position or roles played in the work of SCRIPTS. In order to not only establish, but also maintain this atmosphere, the focus is on the following tools:

4.1. Consultation hours and service

The cooperating institutes as well as the office of SCRIPTS are open and available for questions. In addition to that, BIRT and the Quality Management and Diversity unit offer the possibility to have contact one-on-one or in little teams, upon availability. They offer support, assistance and guidance for SCRIPTS-members starting with their arrival and throughout their work and efforts in adapting to other systems like the German one; and members with care responsibilities. This counselling contains topics like strategies in case of discrimination or experiences with inappropriate behaviour, personal or work related. It includes counselling in case of need of constructive feedback, sharing knowledge, etc. but also simply information and guidance for navigating the arrival in the city of Berlin (living, visa, health, professional and private networks, leisure).

4.2. FAQs, information brochures, handbooks and guides

Brochures, handbooks, and guides explain how to settle in Berlin and what it means to live here. They help understand SCRIPTS and also generally the science practice here. Finally, they also help the people arriving at SCRIPTS, specifically from other countries, connect with networks, both SCRIPTS-internal or external.